Ministry Teams

We are a small but mighty church whose congregation dedicates their time and talents to the service of others.

Worship Planning

This is the first year we have had a Worship Planning Team at the East Monmouth United Methodist Church. Our first meeting was in October 2022 where it was decided that the purpose of our worship planning team was to support the pastor to create meaningful times of worship that would encourage spiritual growth. At our February meeting we used a calendar to sketch out the first 6 months of the year. We have met roughly every other month since February to firm up the plans. Members of the team help to plan and create altar decorations for special Sundays, such as Pentecost or worship series, like Fishing, Kindness, and Holy Week. A member of the Worship Team is the steward for Communion and shares with the assistants the procedures of setting up Communion on the first Sunday of each month.


Toward the end of 2022, the Administrative Council of EMUMC determined the church needed a plan to insure its financial future. For over a decade, Shirley Everhart performed a large majority of the church’s financial tasks in a superior fashion. To prepare for Shirley moving on to more exciting activities with her family, EMUMC created a Financial Action Team to create and execute a plan to meet its operational and financial objectives. The team is comprised of; Noni Prince, Sally Aronson, Randy Schiller, Andrea DeRienzo, and Randi & Elizabeth DiPrima.

The Finance Action Team determined our church would probably not be able to replace Shirley with a single person. Many discussions resulted in a plan to add computer automation and create a long-term Finance Team to perform the tasks Shirley performed so well. After evaluating several Church Management Software packages, the team selected APLOS CMS based upon its broad functionality, ease of use and superior customer service. The team was able to negotiate very cost-effective terms based upon the size of our church. APLOS was implemented in April, loaded with data throughout our second quarter, and went live July 1. The APLOS system has met all our objectives and is operating above expectation.

The APLOS system will allow us to create conference reports faster with less effort, provide us better real-time visibility on our financial position, and allowed us to create the website for our church. As the Financial Action Team winds down its responsibilities, a new Finance Team is in the process of taking on the operational roles that Shirley performed so well. Job descriptions for the various roles were created and Andrea DeRienzo stepped up to become our Financial Secretary. The position of Treasurer is being shared by Sally Aronson (October – May) and Randi DiPrima (June – September). We are looking to fill the Financial Chair position soon. As always, Noni acts as our member-at-large to provide historical and in-depth knowledge of our church’s operation.

Congregational Brunch Honoring Shirley Everhart     >>

Mutual Ministry

At the East Monmouth United Methodist Church, we have a Mutual Ministry Team formed to support our Certified Lay Minister (CLM) as partners in creating an effective ministry. The ministry team and the CLM (Noni) will meet at least 4 times during the year. The Mutual Ministry Team (MMT) provides input to the CLM on the progress it sees and provides feedback on the effectiveness of the ministry. The MMT and the CLM work together to form a ministry covenant that captures the important details to guide the ministry. At EMUMC Noni as the CLM and the team have created a Memorandum of Understanding that was approved by the Administrative Council and read by the District Superintendent. Each year the Mutual Ministry Team meets with the CLM to review the covenant or Memorandum of Understanding. The review is written up and on renewal years (every two years) it is to be submitted to the District Committee on Ministry.

Grounds & Maintenance

On Sunday, August 27, 2023, the EMUMC had a workday.  The church was blessed by a volunteer mission crew from Central Church in Augusta on their Serve Central Day.  Their project was the rear exterior wall of the church.   It now looks so fine. It has been scraped and repainted. A crew from EMUMC stayed following our morning worship to work “alongside” the mission group.  The front church sign received a washing.  Three gardens had plants cut back, weeds pulled, and a little pruning.  They look so much neater with breathing space among the plants.  Some bushes were given a much need trimming after the growth this summer from the extra moisture.  The grass was removed from between the pavers in the walkways and the edges were trimmed.  Both work crews came together to have lunch.  Many of the folks in the church provided food for the luncheon which was arranged and served by a third crew.  God blessed us with a beautiful day and many willing hands.

Vestry Project

During August, Brandon Wright of Infinity Energy Solutions completed the insulating project we had scheduled for this summer.

He began by removing sections of the clapboards and drilling three holes per section for filling with insulation. He blew in and packed the insulation with help from his son. They would complete one side at a time. The wooden “cookies” that had been removed needed to be replaced using glue and caulking before the clapboards could be put back in place. Once the clapboards were back on the building, it was almost impossible to tell they had been off. Once the sides of the building had been filled with insulation, Brandon moved inside to add to the layer of insulation that was in the attic.

We are very pleased with the work that was completed by Brandon. When he left one would not know he had been there. We will remember his summer work this winter as we gather in a warmer building.


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Sanctuary Stewardship

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