Action Ministries
As a small but active congregation we put our ministry into action.
Vacation Bible School
We will have Bible Adventure lesson of two text from the Old Testament and three lesson from the New Testament. There will be a Music station and new station called Sticky Scripture. Of course, stations will include snacks, rec-time, and maybe some crafts.
Join Us! Dive into Friendship with God!
Buddy Bags (Winter Buddies)
We have had a little mission going on for about 2 to 3 years now. It ran only during the winter and appropriately called “Winter Buddies”. This year we have become a quasi-team trying to promote this program as a ministry to our neighbors. Also, starting this year, we decided to include the summer months and change the name to “Buddy Bags”.
It consists of a friendly visit to a few lonely seniors with “Buddy Bags” filled with a meal, some snacks, paper products, or gift certificates for anything like ice cream or groceries. These “Buddy Bags” put a smile on our precious, senior neighbors’ faces. It also gives them a chance to engage in a little conversation about what has been going on in their lives. Our bonus is knowing they are doing okay, and it eases our minds.
The “Buddy Bags” are our foot in the door, providing much more than just a meal or a snack. It is a quick safety check and a much-needed human connection to some of our homebound seniors and disabled neighbors who are living independently in their own home for as long as possible.
Today, we provide for only four people, so there is room for more. If you think of someone who could benefit from this ministry, please talk to them. Ask them if they are interested in becoming part of this mission. if they are, please also check for any allergies or diet restrictions. We would love to put them on our list.
We have been delivering bags to our “Winter Buddies” every week during the past few winters, but this year we thought it would be nice to continue through the summers. The difference is during the summer months, we will visit our neighboring senior citizens every other week, alternating a meal one week and snacks the next. AND we will continue our “Buddy Bags” every week during the extreme winter weather to keep in closer contact.
We want to thank everyone who, in the past, has donated meals, snacks, and anything you thought would be enjoyed or needed.
We hope you can continue to support this ministry, including donating a few minutes of your time to help with deliveries and checking on our precious neighbors.
The more hands that are helping, the more successful our Buddy Bag ministry program will be. It is just a quick safety check and a much-needed human connection with a welcoming “Buddy Bag” in your hand. Your reward is almost guaranteed to be a big smile and a heartfelt “Thank you.” So please sign up…do what you can…when you can…as often as you can.
Shirley Everhart - Chairperson Buddy Bags Ministry
Preparing Buddy Bags
Women's Bible Study
Starting January 19th we will start Melissa Spoelstra’s study Joseph … The Journey to Forgiveness.
“All of us know what it’s like to be hurt or betrayed. From hurtful words, lies, or gossip… to the unspeakable pain of abuse, adultery or abandonment, God knows the pain we cause each other and longs to help us learn to practice forgiveness. This… study explores what God has to say to us about grace and forgiveness through Joseph’s story of trial and triumph found in Genesis37-50. As we study his dreams, betrayers, dysfunctional family, struggle to forgive, and journey toward reconciliation, we’ll find truths that echo in our own lives as well as practical help for answering common questions ( such as “How do I stop dwelling on the hurt!”.. and “ Is forgiving someone excusing what happened ?). Whether or not you are working through a hurtful situation right now, you can learn from Joseph how to release your past and present hurts to God and allow Him to do a supernatural work of forgiveness in your life.”
Community Suppers
Neighbors Helping Neighbors Community Suppers is a meal program that offers free Sunday suppers to the Monmouth community from November through April. It's organized by a group of Monmouth representatives with Pastor Noni being a board member. Its goal is to provide a free meal in a warm and friendly place once a week during the colder months. Meals are delivered to those people that would have difficulty coming to the supper themselves.
Each week the meal is planned, prepared, and served by a local group of individuals or an organization. EMUMC sponsors at least one meal a season as part of its social outreach and interaction with the community.
Hack Dearnley
Golf Tournament
Golf, Food and Fun
at the Cobbossee Golf Course
Music Night
September 19, 2024
On Monday evening, on September 19th, EMUMC hosted a Music Night. We were entertained by members of the Bailey Ukes. The audience quickly began to tap their toes and sing-along. It is very obvious that they enjoy singing and playing as their love for music shines through their songs. We are also learning how much they enjoy performing in the sanctuary of East Monmouth UMC.
We were also joined by Randi DiPrima and Ruth Ann Smith, both members of EMUMC. They performed songs by Bobby Darin and then Randi played several selections on his guitar. Two were in honor of Jimmy Buffet.
A Free-will donation was accepted and will be sent to the United Methodist Committee for the relief of the Vermont Flood Victims.
Applefest 2023
World Communion Sunday 2023
Blessing Backpacks
August 2023